My summer got stolen by family stuff and now a nasty sinus infection...
So a lot of authors are talking about this thing with Ellora's Cave. I'll probably be lost in the fog...but that's okay. I'm not trying to cause a fight or say anything profound. I'm not even asking you to do anything... All of this is opinion (FYI) except for my plan which--heck, they're my plans!
What's the point of this blog?
Last year I wrote a Halloween short quickie (maybe 8k) and sent it in. Somehow it didn't make it through edits in time for Halloween 2013 so it got pushed to 2014. (Yep, I was NOT thrilled.). This quickie was fully edited the old/normal way. It's short, hot, and cute. It's supposed to release in October. I liked the I want to forget it exists.
I'm not saying buy it or don't. I don't tell my readers where to buy or what. I honestly don't care about this book anymore. I hate having a release at EC under these circumstances. It's not that EC is having problems, businesses change. Things happen.
It's how a business responds to bad things when they happen that tells you a lot about them.
Just like people...Do they get real, hunker down and deal with the problem as early as possible?
Do they ignore it until it's a true emergency?
Do they lash out and get defensive?
Bottom line, I won't be sending them anything more. I have 2 contracts for books to follow up Savannah Secrets but they aren't started and I won't write them (ever. for anyone.). The first one didn't make money anyway. Failure to deliver will eventually void the contract. Problem solved.
I'm counting my lucky stars that I sell better elsewhere. Places more business minded than party minded...that's where I belong. I'm not a party girl, I'm the wallflower... :)
So...if you're looking for a MM shifter story in October, I'd much prefer if you check out this one instead. It releases 10/14. Blake's Home:
It's new, not Halloween themed but there are hot cowboys.
It's much longer and there are two sequels that I will do!
Beyond October...I will be tinkering with some new genres and trying out self pub a bit...but my plans for new erotic romance releases via a publisher will happen at this epub (this is my page).
I'm sorry if I rambled on. I've had enough family stuff and sickness stalling me this summer and I won't let a publisher's problem drag me down.
Back in the saddle everyone!! I will be, once I finish these antibiotics and get my voice back!
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