Saturday, December 13, 2014

Newsletter Reminder

I put out a monthly newsletter. With Facebook possibly making it harder next year to promo a new book release or sharing if a book is discounted etc...please be sure to sign up for my newsletter.

It covers both Cheryl Dragon erotic romance AND CC Dragon cozy mysteries. So 1 email and you're up-to-date on anything FB may have hidden from you :D

Follow this blog as well but there are an awful lot of blogs out there ;)

Mr. Moose will make sure to have a candid shot in every keep you entertained!

The sign up on is the right hand side of this blog :) 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy Holidays!! Year in review and sneak a look at 2015

It's been a rough year for some of us...2015 will be a big relief!

If you haven't heard the story of my mom's broken weren't paying attention!

Long story short, a bad medication reaction can cause a bad fall and healing takes a lot longer.
Since July, I've been busy and unfortunately not writing much.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family...but when you work from home, you're the designated caretaker/driver/etc. Which set back my writing  A LOT.

In an effort to get myself back on track, I created an evil twin CC Dragon and have begun releasing revised/ re-titled paranormal cozy  mysteries with a psychic heroine I wrote back in the day.
Check it out here:
Pre-order Kindle:

I'll be putting out book 2 in February (also revised, re-titled etc...).

Then I'll be continuing the series in 2015 :)

As for the HOT HOT HOT stuff...My 2015 plan is busy.

Men of Alaska Fans--have no fear. Mr. Moose is on the case!

I'm planning at least 3, hopefully 4, Men of Alaska titles.

Plus 1 Love Shack MM cowboy shifter, for those who can't wait for Hank and Frankie ;)

Conference Plans for 2015...

I'll be around ;) Signing at all of the events below...Visit me for good swag and print books!

April: The Novel Experience in Vegas

June: Readers and Authors Get Together in Cincinnati Ohio

August: Authors After Dark in Atlanta

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Release: The Love Shack 1: Blake's Home

Happy Release Day!!!!!!!!!!

The day before I'm off to my first Gay Rom Lit Retreat...I'm sooooo happy to share Blake's Home.

The Love Shack (cue B52's'll be in your head all day long!) is a barn/bar where hot stuff happens in the back room :)

This is M/M erotic romance about two ranchers/ cowboy types and one is a Shifter!

Here is the gorgeous cover by Valerie Tibbs:

Blurb: Plenty of men have tried to get ranch hand Blake Louis to The Love Shack but none succeed. At the White family ranch, Blake has found friends and a home. He desperately wants to stay. Yet he must keep his shifter secret and avoid his feelings for Jared White. This job has to work out. No one ever wanted him forever—none of his family did—so why would a rich successful rancher want more than a roll in the hay with a dirt poor ranch hand?

Screwing the staff is a bad idea but Jared White needs more than sex from Blake. The men are friends but he’ll risk it for a chance at more. Love has never worked for Jared and a childhood rival delights in sabotaging him. Jared can’t give up hope. He believes that Blake is the one.

The only smart place to start is The Love Shack, a neutral place where Jared isn't the boss and Blake isn't the hand. Determined to win Blake’s heart, Jared delves into Blake’s past. As amazing as the sex is, Blake resists sweet promises. Love, trust, and happiness are as crazy to Blake as the bobcat he can shift into.

I'll share when it hits third party spots...

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Publishing Situation

First off...sorry for the slow down in publishing.
My summer got stolen by family stuff and now a nasty sinus infection...

So a lot of authors are talking about this thing with Ellora's Cave. I'll probably be lost in the fog...but that's okay. I'm not trying to cause a fight or say anything profound. I'm not even asking you to do anything... All of this is opinion (FYI) except for my plan which--heck, they're my plans!

What's the point of this blog?

Last year I wrote a Halloween short quickie (maybe 8k) and sent it in. Somehow it didn't make it through edits in time for Halloween 2013 so it got pushed to 2014. (Yep, I was NOT thrilled.). This quickie was fully edited the old/normal way. It's short, hot, and cute. It's supposed to release in October. I liked the I want to forget it exists.

I'm not saying buy it or don't. I don't tell my readers where to buy or what. I honestly don't care about this book anymore. I hate having a release at EC under these circumstances. It's not that EC is having problems, businesses change. Things happen. 

It's how a business responds to bad things when they happen that tells you a lot about them

Just like people...Do they get real, hunker down and deal with the problem as early as possible? 
Do they ignore it until it's a true emergency? 
Do they lash out and get defensive?

Bottom line, I won't be sending them anything more. I have 2 contracts for books to follow up Savannah Secrets but they aren't started and I won't write them (ever. for anyone.). The first one didn't make money anyway. Failure to deliver will eventually void the contract. Problem solved.

I'm counting my lucky stars that I sell better elsewhere. Places more business minded than party minded...that's where I belong. I'm not a party girl, I'm the wallflower... :)

So...if you're looking for a MM shifter story in October, I'd much prefer if you check out this one instead. It releases 10/14.  Blake's Home:

It's new, not Halloween themed but there are hot cowboys. 
It's much longer and there are two sequels that I will do!

Beyond October...I will be tinkering with some new genres and trying out self pub a bit...but my plans for new erotic romance releases via a publisher will happen at this epub (this is my page). 

I'm sorry if I rambled on. I've had enough family stuff and sickness stalling me this summer and I won't let a publisher's problem drag me down.

Back in the saddle everyone!! I will be, once I finish these antibiotics and get my voice back! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vote for the Geek!

All Romance Ebooks is doing a fun contest call Hottest Heroes!
They pick heroes from different books and people get to vote for their favorite.
It's fun and free ( you just need to log into your ARe account -- or create one--so they make sure you don't vote more than once per round)...

My hero (Dr. Eric Ridgeway) from Geek in the Woods is up!

He's in pairing #10 and it's a close race already...

If you enjoyed the book or just love geeks :) Please vote! Even if it's not for Eric...I'll understand ;)

When you vote, you're automatically entered in a random drawing ARe is doing for a gift certificate!

You have until Sept 7th to vote in Round 1! Help Eric make it to round 2!!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Life Gets In the Way...and some Changes

I hate excuses and pity parties! I HATE them...because writing is a job. Yes, we all get sick. Take your sick days as needed and keep plugging along. I'm not suggesting we don't need time off or things don't happen to throw us off. Big illnesses, deaths in the family, and so on can derail us for weeks. But true writers write...we can't help it. We'll find a new routine and eek out the time to get something done.

And we all NEED vacations. Take them :)

When my mom went into the hospital and I suddenly became a part time care giver and normally very productive writing schedule was tossed out the window. Everything has revolved around her needs and appointments. For a time she couldn't be left alone. A big chunk of time for writing has been very hard to get. Maybe I'll get one day off but I still need to clean and do laundry and other errands for myself.

So I've been editing, noting out story ideas, and promoting around my other duties. In a week or two, the doctor follow ups will be done and hopefully things can go back to mostly normal. Her recovery has been steady. I'm frustrated that I'm not writing a lot like before but I'm still finding ways to spend time with my writing.

I didn't share a lot or in detail about my mother because so many writers out there are guilty of whining or worse--lying. People are bullying them. Or life kicked them. How do you know what's true and what's not? (Maybe I'm really jaded but several writers have been caught lying about being bullied for sympathy sales and it's disgusting).

Plus, setbacks happen in life. Whether it's health or a book doesn't sell the way you hoped. Stuff happens. It's frustrating (oh yes, it is! I want to be writing all day!!!). But I wasn't raised to be 'oh poor me' and all that. You do what you have to do and get on with it.

Don't misunderstand. We all vent a bit at times. Life can be frustrating. If I let myself go negative, I can stay there for a long time and get really down. So I try not to put that on FB or in social media too much. Minor things like the dentist--we can all relate to that. But private stuff in detail, that's just not me.


There was a time when I had a novella releasing a month but that time is over. Partly because I parted with a publisher who wasn't handling things professionally. This stuff happens too. You think something is working and whammo, someone lets the truth slip out. I like the truth but it radically changed my writing plan.

But that's neither here nor there.

I'm not playing the victim card because I'm not. But I feel I should share that there will be big changes from me. The last two months have hijacked my writing, more or less, and my publisher preferences have changed. Therefor, I won't have as many releases happening in the next six months.

The good news???? I'm going to be branching out to a new genre and longer books. Hopefully it's a success. A little risk can be scary but when so much is changing, why not dare to do something different?

Next release:
Blake's Home (MM rancher/ shifter) Oct 14th from Loose Id

More planned in the Men of Alaska series!

For now, I'll keep the new genre and that stuff to myself...until I have more concrete dates and so on.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Writing Cave

I've been on a tangent in the last few days blogging about the business of writing...

It's been longer than that--as far as thinking. The playing field changes and we have to adapt. I've had too much time to think  lately.

On top of a surprise summer conference, my mother fell and has required a lot of help. Driving her around and helping her has splintered my routine and I haven't gotten much writing done at all. But there has been time to mull the changes I'm seeing...

In the next couple of weeks, hopefully the doctors will let her drive, work, and return to normal. The break from writing has been frustrating but given me time to reflect on the business side of things AND what I want to work on.

I've been a huge name or break out hit with my writing. Hopefully the old saying that everything happens for a reason is true! Maybe a little change can have a good result?

So Mid-Sept, hopefully, I'll be headed into the writing cave for a bit. Until then I have promotional stuff and edits plus mom duty...

Don't worry, there will be more Men of least 2 more to see how readers are liking them. But sometimes you need to throw in something different :)

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Pricing Game (hot buttons and not everything needs to be 99 cents!)

Whenever authors want to talk about pricing issues, extremes seem to pop up! Some people think you need to be at 99cents to move books. Or free! If all you want is to make a list or get a best seller tag on your name...I guess.

But this discussion isn't just about extremes. Price points matter in selling items. Many epubs have adjusted their pricing as competition grew and self pub added some pressure.

Sterling New Year is about 28k and priced at 3.99. This book did very well (for me, it's all relative)....

The next book was more like 35k (readers say they like longer books and this one had more to it) but it crossed a price level with the publisher and is 4.99. For a novella, that seems to be too much.

What did I learn? My novellas will be under 30k for this publisher going forward to maximize sales.

Pricing can be this sensitive for readers. They only have so much money and when you can buy full length novels for $4.99...believe me, I understand! Readers have tons of choices but one budget.

Some self pub authors do discount too aggressively. Full length novels for 99 cents or 2.99 permanently? That is devaluing the work. Now, a flash sale or book 4 in the series is out and you do a sale on book 1 for a week...sure.

Before self pub was a big thing, epubs could easily keep an eye on each others pricing levels relative to word count. They didn't stay lock step, that's for sure. Some are much higher than other epubs and now they're feeling that as readers and authors comment. But with so many self pubs wanting to see sales/ success--they are more willing to try anything for results.

For the record, I'm not against free reads. If you put up a short story or two for free, people can try it--that's not bad. But don't make every book free...

Plenty of well known musicians have videos up for free on you can basically enjoy the song FREE. If you go to itunes to download it into your ipod/iphone's not free. So there is some good precedence for a free sample.

Or even doing a free code to giveaway for a book at a conference that's good for a few weeks but it's not free for EVERYONE all the time. Specials and sales are enticing.

The pricing strategy continues to evolve and the smart move is to pay attention to sales/reviews and what's changed (like my price point example above). ALSO avoid extremes. Holding your price high because of history or because you're worth more (when the market is at another point) only hurts you.

Going cheap might look like it's working but are you more likely to buy a book that is 4.99 on sale for 2.99? Or a book that is always 2.99? People like sales! If you're always cheap or free, then they'll expect it.

Bottom line:

1-If you're with publishing houses....know the price levels and how they relate to the word count. It can hurt you to jump up $1 because of a few thousand words (That's from personal experience!).

2-If you're self pub, price fairly and put books on sale for a limited time rather than price cheaply. Have a reason for the sale as well. A new release in that series is fine. But don't do constant sales or or it'll be expected...

Writing is hard work and we need to earn a living at it...but ignoring the current market and going too high or too low isn't in your best interest.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Writing and keeping the readers happy!

My degree is in business (accounting was my day job for 15 years until I was able to afford following my dream of writing full time).

Business is a part of the writing life a lot of authors don't like. They want to write! Some enjoy promotion, some don't. Some love to analyze trends and numbers, others don't. We all love to meet readers who like our books but bad reviews sting. We're people but all business is made up of people.

I want to stay in business! I want to keep on writing and sometimes that means dealing with the less fun aspects.

Businesses change. Trends shift. Markets and tastes are hard to track at times. Epubs come and go. Business shifts with things like self publishing and how Amazon ranks books.

E publishing freed a lot of authors from the NY system and provided options. NY is slowly changing and learning what readers what, how they want it, and what is workable in the new marketplace. They have a huge structure that needs to be reorganized.

Still, people are creatures of habit. We get used to a routine and we like it. Sometimes epubs do this as well. It's good to be King of your realm and have it your way.

Here's another way to look at it. Henry Ford once said "they can have any color car as long as it's black."

At that time, Ford at the only reliable/ affordable car for the general population. So if you wanted came to his company and bought what he had stock in or you waited for one.

Power Advantage = Ford.

Is that how it is today?? I drive a Chevy. My sister, a Toyota and the color choices are endless.

Great businessmen (and women) are GREAT because they see the new needs. The NEW opportunities. Ford could play the power game for a while but the competition would catch up. They'd offer more things to get customers to come to them. There will always be competition, problems, and new challenges.

When I was in accounting, I worked with A LOT of salesmen. As a company, we knew who our competitors were (domestic and foreign). You had to fight for business at times--China would undercut pricing etc...

In publishing, we don't want to think about competition. Readers want lots of books! We're all good. All warm fuzzies, hugs, and happy thoughts around. The competition here is very different.

Guess what? It's NOT! Competing salesmen are nice to each other. They don't take it personally if you get a sale and they don't. They just work harder to get it the next time. It's not personal, it's business. They don't go into denial that it's competition but they can be friends too. And if they're both getting screwed by foreign competition, they may even share some data to get that business back in domestic hands.

Friends/ Allies/ Enemies/ Competitors...those are some blurred lines!

Don't fool yourself--we do compete in some ways. Some readers have a limited budget so they may want your book but other authors rank above you. This is a good place to be. We're always trying to improve our writing. Move up to that next level. Strive for excellence...keep writing!

But there are other competing factors. Pricing and location are key and authors with publishers don't control either of those. Publishers need to to do their homework. To understand they (and we authors who self pub some of our work) CAN'T control the consumer. We can suggest/ encourage them to buy in one place over another...but do you want Coca Cola to tell you they'll only be at Costco, not Sam's Club too? Or the other way around? You're the want it where you want it or you might buy an alternative. Whether you're Coke,  Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper...we all want to be in stock on the shelves everywhere we can (EXCEPT pirate sites--but that's another topic).

The customer (the reader) is always right. You want it at it there. IF a publisher wants to entice readers to their site instead...they need to make it worth the effort. Bonus content free? Buy 10 get 1 ebook free (I know many readers who prefer All Romance Ebooks because of this deal and their rebate offers). Epubs can do incentive programs--some do and I don't know that it actually works. Not enough benefit? Or is it just that the readers value the convenience to buy all books in once place more than the individual epub incentives?

As an authors, I want my readers to be happy! That's the smartest business plan any pub (NY or small) can have. The hardest part is finding the info on what's changing and how I need to adjust to be positioned right to keep the readers happy. While I'm busy writing things can change. The market can shift READERS, please tell your favorite authors what you want. Publishers don't always listen to us if you have favorite publishers...tell them too :D Facebook and website with contact info give you the access! Comment and share your opinion! Vote with your reviews if nothing else.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

AAD Wrap Up...

Now that I'm sort of caught up (edits turned in), I can start to recap AAD.
I still have a lot of laundry to

I ran into a reader at the gate at Chicago's Midway Airport and Lisa and I chatted...more AAD people arrived. Desiree Holt cut it close connecting from her other flight in from Texas but we were all good. Nice flight...

The trouble started with the hotel. I'd shipped 4 boxes. 2 for the welcome bags and 2 full of swag I'd hand out. It shouldn't take over an hour to locate properly labeled I missed part of the Midnight Rodeo.

But I wasn't the only one....many others were hunting down boxes. The hotel service overall was slow. The restaurant was a repeat offender in this area. My hair dryer in the room died and the replacement one took a while and the new one sucked...cut out constantly. I was really unimpressed. The room we had for the book signing was packed tight. I've never been so scrunched in at any book signing and I've been doing this for a while!

So that's the bad stuff. And it had to do with the hotel...

Now to the conference :) The Midnight Rodeo was at 4pm but it was fun. A mechanical bull was there for people to ride and take pictures with...I did neither. lol BUT they had awesome goody bags. A bottle of water and a cookie ! Yes, this is what you need the first day because everything in the hotel was overpriced...we needed the water! Thank you!!

The Welcome event was went the full 2 hours but lots of readers got great prizes. As an author, I couldn't win anything so it lacked anticipation for me but Mr. Moose liked the cup on the table...

The next day I was going to have breakfast with one author and it grew to a big table...What fun!

That day Isabelle Drake and I had planned to camp out and give away goodies.

The little squeezie moose became popular! And those pens, you might think you have enough pens and pass them up...but they have 3 inks in them! Many readers started clicking away...they make me feel like a kid again :)

Thursday was the Author Reception I was a part of. More goodies given out  :) Chatting with readers and bloggers! I was so tired after that, I couldn't even go to the Bookie awards. I grabbed dinner and talked with readers/writers/bloggers. Mr. Moose already had a following...

I kept up with the awards on FB via my phone. Desiree won 5! WOW!

Friday, Isabelle and I did the same thing!! A little in the AM, lunch and then more swag giveaways in the bar area. Roz Lee and others joined in.

That night was the Leather & Lace party...Mr. Moose was popular by then and drinking a rum and coke ;)

The next day was the signing. I didn't bring books, just swag and some postcards for my latest ebook releases. That worked out okay...

Did you get a moose? That was my question to those who passed by :O)  I got a lot of interesting looks but most stopped and checked out the fun of the Men of Alaska series!

I gave away all the stress reliever moose that I brought to AAD! And 99% of the pens! Whoohoo!

That night was the Sins/Virtues Ball. After the long signing, I really needed a nap and night off, but the table that I was at was Sloth. So it totally fit. I went in PJs and we got to hang out without having to look fancy like the others :)

Lizzie T. Leaf was a generous hostess and so nice! Mr. Moose loved his gift bag:

I had a really early flight Sunday morning so I ducked out after dinner (good cheescake!) but it worked out. 

I was home early and could check on my mom (who had broken her collar bone less than a month earlier and, while she had my dad, he's not the best caretaker). Then I could relax and sleep in my own bed.

Mr. Moose was beat... but he loved meeting everyone :)

We'll be at AAD Atlanta! Until then, Mr. Moose is tucked in. He'll play online but first he has to oversee Men of Alaska 3: Sterling Rose!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Post AAD and Sterling Sunshine Party

Survived my first ever Authors After Dark con! That is an awesome place to meet readers.

I'll be going next year as well. Atlanta in August will be hot but most of the time, I'll be camped out hanging with readers and passing out swag!

I gave away a lot of squishy moose to celebrate my Men of Alaska series :)

To further celebrate Sterling Sunshine...I'm having a FB event!!

It'll be August 23rd and there will be prizes.

Join here and get all the details:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Off and AAD

Sorry I'm been stuff that included a hospital stay for a close member sucked me away from my writing world.


Totally NEW Website layout!!

check out :

Sterling Sunshine is doing great on Amazon (thank you!!!) and has gotten great reviews (thanks again!)
It's up at Nook now :)


Don't worry, I'll be working on Men of Alaska 3 (Sterling Rose) in August...

In October, I'll have a new release that is MM rancher/shifter themed. Blake's Home will be out just in time for Gay Rom Lit! 

Also in October...Black Cat Strut will release. It's a short quickie that you can pre-order now:
It'll release in time for Halloween (it's a MM halloween themed story). So another MM in October!

As of Aug 6th, I'm off to Authors After Dark in Charlotte! I'll have some news to share from there...something to blog about :) I have a lot o brainstorming/planning to do. But there is still family stuff to deal with when I get back, so don't think I'm ignoring my writing. Just have to balance things differently for a couple of months while I help out...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Men of Alaska 2 is out :)

The wait is over!! Sterling Sunshine (Men of Alaska 2) is live :D

NOTE: Loose Id has my other Menage Titles 40% off...for anyone looking for a sale!

Sterling Sunshine
Men of Alaska 2
MMMF Erotic Romance
By Cheryl Dragon
Nook: Coming Soon


Gretchen isn’t in Sterling to find men. At least she keeps telling herself that. She has a new job to do promoting local businesses. Still, she can’t resist hoping she’ll find the right group of hot men to really make her dreams come true. She already has her eye on a certain sexy trio, and when they fail to make the first move, she uses work to make a meeting happen. Alaska is definitely bringing out her bolder side.

Tony and Ross are eager to date and seduce the voluptuous beauty but their third lover is a roaming pilot with notoriously bad timing. Do they count him in or out? Should they wait for him to show up or move on her? The attraction proves too hard to resist, but Matt turns up just in time to make it a foursome. It complicates the relationship but adds to the passion. Besides, love and lust aren’t practical.

The deeper Gretchen gets into the lives of her three men, the more she knows they need to be shaken up and she’s just the woman to do it!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Team Taste the Rainbow Blog Hop Stop


We're celebrating GLBT and I write lots of MM...I do ;)

But the bisexual men don't seem to get as much attention.. though they get double the love! 
But they also have to share and negotiate female and male needs.
I love the complexity and the passion of group relationships. 
So I'm going to brag on my MMMF series: MEN OF ALASKA

Women going to Alaska for a friend's wedding get A LOT more than they bargained for :) 
There are plenty of men in Alaska but they never expected this...

Sterling New Year is book 1

Sterling New Year
By Cheryl Dragon
Released 12/31/13 by Loose Id
Genre: Contemp M/M/M/F erotic romance
Series: Men of Alaska Book 1

Melody's stuck in Sterling, Alaska over the holidays, sewing custom dresses for her friend’s wedding. She'll do anything for her friends and is determined to be the best maid of honor she can be. There are just a few very sexy distractions.

Dale, Jason, and Ryan are lovers with an eye out for the right woman to complete their family. They're happy to let Melody use space to make the dresses, but Dale especially doesn't expect the perfect woman for them to show up in their small town. How are they going to explain Sterling's
unusual relationships? Even so, the trio is definitely interested in more than simply helping out with the wedding but can they win Melody over?

Melody has never been anywhere like Sterling—where group relationships are a tradition. She can’t pass up the experience of three hot men in bed but rearranging her life for them, or any man, is a ridiculous idea. Normal marriages don’t last and she’s had repeat wedding dress clients to prove it. What the quad has is more than sex but they have a lot of baggage to sort through for her to make it a Sterling New Year.

Book 2 is MMMF as well (releases July 15th)

Sterling Sunshine
Men of Alaska 2
MMMF Erotic Romance
By Cheryl Dragon

Giveaway?? Why Yes! Comment below for a chance to win an ebook copy of Sterling New Year (if you already own it, another of my GLBT Loose Id titles will be substituted)...The Hop ends on the 18th. Winner will be posted on this blog on the 19th :) 

Enjoy the Hop!! Check out all of my books at
Sign up for the newsletter over there on the right upperhand side.
And join Cheryl Dragon's Lair (my FB group. There is fun and hot pics of men):

Hop Along My Friends :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Cover Reveal! Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine

Sterling Sunshine
Men of Alaska 2
MMMF Erotic Romance
By Cheryl Dragon
Release Date: 7/15/14


Gretchen isn't in Sterling to find men. At least she keeps telling herself that. She has a new job to do promoting local businesses. Still, she can’t resist hoping she’ll find the right group of hot men to really make her dreams come true. She already has her eye on a certain sexy trio, and when they fail to make the first move, she uses work to make a meeting happen. Alaska is definitely bringing out her bolder side.

Tony and Ross are eager to date and seduce the voluptuous beauty but their third lover is a roaming pilot with notoriously bad timing. Do they count him in or out? Should they wait for him to show up or move on her? The attraction proves too hard to resist, but Matt turns up just in time to make it a foursome. It complicates the relationship but adds to the passion. Besides, love and lust aren't practical.

The deeper Gretchen gets into the lives of her three men, the more she knows they need to be shaken up and she’s just the woman to do it!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Screw the yellow brick road! You've already got the ruby slippers! The empowerment of Self Pub :)

So Self Pub is a big thing...some of it is poorly edited and some covers are hideous! Some are meh...

But more and more established authors are dabbling in self pub. I think it's smart and have dabbled myself.

Plenty of us were in the game when you had to go down the yellow brick road (being rejected and tested along the way). I first pubbed in 2007 and self pub was crazy! We all had to be approved by the wizard (publishers) and follow their rules. But now that we know the power is in us...we can try out those ruby slippers (doesn't mean we don't like the wizard or want to spend time in Oz).

Why did I self pub? Knowledge is power...better to learn now than wait until I need to know.

Maybe a publisher closes?
Maybe you have a chance to get back list titles that aren't selling great returned to you?
Maybe you have a quirky project that you're not sure will fit anywhere?

Your main publishing efforts may still be through a publisher but being hybrid and doing self pub as well isn't a crime!

For me it was pure curiosity. Just like Dorothy wants to the see the man behind the curtain, we deserve to know the truth about what it takes to get an ebook released.

The truth's not that damn hard! 

LOL...really. There's no magic. There are no flying monkeys after you (except maybe some nasty reviewers)! We only think it's hard because pubs have been doing it for us. 

Keys to self pub? You need a good cover artist, editor, and proofer! Beta readers help as well...Think of them as your scarecrow,  your tin man and your lion. They each have a role to play...

Tell your team to be totally honest! If something confuses them, bugs them, or feels want to hear it! Since you're paying your team (maybe rewarding beta readers somehow)...tell them you want it all. Good and bad. That's what you're paying for! Quality matters...

You can format the file! You have the power! Format and convert it to the right types and load it...not rocket science. Amazon, Nook, Smashwords etc...they all have instructions. With reasonable computer skills, you don't need to pay anyone to do this unless you really want to.  

Seriously...once edits/proofing and final checks are done (take your time doing this, please. Spell check. check for double spaces and double periods etc...)...once that is goes really fast!

Formatting/Converting takes about half an hour max. Your first time,'ll be paranoid and checking things a lot. Once you know what you're looking for and where to click...half an hour if you're goofing off :)

Once I have the file formatted...I can load it to Amazon, Nook and All Romance ebooks in under an hour. That's assuming the websites are sluggish. First time, you'll obsess about every button you hit. Once you get the hang, it's so easy...

It doesn't take that long to go live!!!!!!! 12 hours at Amazon. All Romance Ebooks, it is instant! Nook...I've had publishers say B&N are behind and it's taken weeks. With my self pubs (granted only two) it's been under 12 hours. Maybe I was just lucky or had good timing? Take that for what it's worth...but face it, Amazon is the biggest seller for most of us.

Promotion is all on you...this impact varies but promotion is usually on the author anyway. Epubs have some loyal readers and their blogs/social media/ newsletters make it easier for readers to find you. BUT that's all free promo you can do with other authors and by yourself. You won't know how your self pub will sell until you try.


Pricing CONTROL! 
Release date CONTROL! 

Extra bonus: More $$$$$ for you per book sold...

With a little brains, courage and can self pub quality stuff and, like Dorothy, you don't need the wizard to get your where you want to go! You might still want him along...but you've got the ruby slippers! 

PS: I LOVE the cover control :) You can plan them, invest and get them done early. You can get what you want! Like on this cover. Geek in the Woods. I write MM, MF and menage under the same pen name. So having 2 men on a MM cover is critical (IMO). Publishers have routinely ignored my request and given me solo men...confusing my readers and costing us both sales.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Rough Landing Excerpt (FF Erotic Romance- Adult)

Rough Landing
By Cheryl Dragon
F/F Contemp Erotic Romance
Release: June 11th

Blurb: Kate Pacinelli has been infatuated with fellow flight attendant Stephanie Carlson for months. While Kate is out, Steph’s preferences are a mystery. The former cheerleader has a complicated, bisexual past. It’s a smooth ride for both women until a rough landing shakes them up and changes their relationship. Hot sex in private doesn’t translate to the public relationship Kate is looking for. She’s fallen for women afraid to come out before and won’t have her heart toyed with again. When Steph avoids conversations and labels with expert seduction, Kate refuses to play closet games. Steph will have to come out or risk losing Kate for good.


Steph fell into the kiss easily, and couldn’t break free. It had been so long since she’d connected with someone, and as calm as she was acting, she was still a little deeply rattled. Kate’s full lips weren’t demanding. The heat started to rush through Steph’s body as she ran her tongue over Kate’s lower lip.
Being with a woman had always felt so natural, but boys were always waiting in line for Steph too. This was new. Pulling back as the throbbing started between her legs, Steph wanted to explain a lot of things but they’d sounded so dumb and complicated when she’d practiced them in her head. Like nothing but a big lie or an excuse. She settled for a joke.
“Was that more comfort?” She licked her lips and offered Kate the chocolate.
“No. Do you need it? Rudy’s 9/11 stories can be unsettling.” Kate inched back.
Inwardly, Steph cursed herself. She wanted the physical, but big, defining conversations made her feel nauseated. “That was a little weird. I was a teenager. I do remember it, but I wasn’t on the front lines like him. What if he’d been on one of those planes?”
Kate hugged Steph. “I know. He’s great. When I chose this profession it was only a couple years after 9/11 and my father thought I was insane.”
“You didn’t want to go to college or do anything else?” Steph nuzzled Kate’s neck.
Kate blushed. Steph knew she wasn’t the friends-with-benefits type. But the sex would be great—they could have fun and talk it out later.
Kate sighed. “I had a college fund that dried up when I told my parents I was gay. They still talk to me and invite me for holidays, but my father said he wasn’t going to pay for me to spend four years seducing every girl in my sorority.”
“That’s terrible.” Steph kissed Kate’s lips, then nipped them. “If this is you seducing a woman, maybe you needed the practice.”
A smile finally broke on Kate’s face. “No fair—I have a concussion and I didn’t want to be pinned with a sexual harassment of a coworker problem if you weren’t into it.”
Steph grabbed the hem of her old T-shirt and swept it up over her head. If Kate had any qualms, the fact that Steph had nothing on underneath might have been a clue that she was on board. Sex without complicated explanations was perfect.
“You’re gorgeous.” Kate cupped one round breast and rubbed the nipple with her thumb while moving in for a kiss.
The spell pulled Steph into a new world. Most girls she’d screwed around with had gone right for the good parts. Sure, kissing and cuddling might come at the beginning to feel a girl out, and later, depending on the girl, but most wanted to get off. Kate clearly knew just how to seduce a woman if they were on the same page.
Kate deepened the kiss and Steph moaned as their tongues tangled. It was intimacy squared. As if Kate wanted to explore and titillate every inch of Steph’s body. Her pussy was already wet and Kate hadn’t even kissed her below the neck yet. Steph nuzzled Kate’s throat.
“I’m so ready,” Steph said softly.
“And you haven’t even seen me naked yet.” Kate pulled from the embrace, then slowly shed her clothing.
Steph smiled and reclined on the mass of pillows to watch. “I’ve studied your body for months. You turn me on, and it’s not just your body.” She bit her lip to stop herself from talking too much.

Runaway Cowgirl Excerpt

Runaway Cowgirl
By Cheryl Dragon
Published by Totally Bound 6/27/14
MMMF Historical Western

Blurb: Emily isn’t about to marry just any man, but falling in love with two hot ranchers might be more than this respectable young lady can handle.

Emily St. Claire is wealthy, beautiful, young and very eligible to the single men of Manitou Springs, Colorado. The Wild West isn’t safe for a woman alone, but she isn’t about to marry for anything but love. Her charitable efforts put her in touch with all manner of people, and while she’s respectable, she causes gossip around the small town as she tries to help prostitutes and orphans. Still, she does want a family of her own.

Two handsome young men catch Emily’s eye, but Jack and Henry are so close. How can she pick one of them without destroying their friendship and their partnership? When she finds them in a compromising position, she’s shocked and intrigued. Emily never considered herself conventional, but the men open her eyes even more to how inclusive and varied love can be. Society would never approve, yet it doesn’t feel wrong for the trio. Being courted by two men at once is wild, but committing herself to them is pure madness and pure ecstasy as well. They must keep their ménage secret until they’re sure how to plan a future together so no one will suspect or discover the truth. 1878 isn’t ready for what they have to offer.


The utter arrogance of the single men in town made her gallop the horse. There were plenty of whores in town, so why did the men have to bother her? They wanted her money— it was as simple as that. If love was involved, it would be a different story.
Avoiding the main road, she came up on the Bonner ranch from behind. A big spread of horses and cattle showed they were successful. The house was large and sturdy but modest. 
They were cowboys to the core. Certainly not the most conventional men in town, but she wasn’t always traditional either. Her desire to get women the vote hadn’t gone over well.
At least the Bonner men hadn’t mocked her like some had for wanting women’s suffrage. The handsome cousins kept to themselves, traded with the Indians when they could, and always helped anyone who needed it.
True gentlemen, who made her feel beautiful and rare. She could never decide which of the two she liked better. Both triggered very unladylike reactions in her. Desire, lust and tingling were the best words she had. 
When she did her charity work with the prostitutes, she’d heard them discussing men in detail so she believed it was natural. Emily knew the marriage bed wasn’t always unpleasant. Her mother died before Emily was old enough to discuss marriage or personal matters, but Alice’s tasteful input and the unavoidable view of farm animals mating had filled in the blanks on the basics.
There were plenty of nights she’d dreamed about the Bonner men in very carnal ways. The sensitive flesh between her legs throbbed from her just thinking about them. Alice was right. Emily was a woman and spinsterhood probably wasn’t the best path for her.
Jack and Henry Bonner were the two men in town she’d even consider, but they were close. Kin like that didn’t turn on its own. She couldn’t come between them. Neither man had ever made any attempt to court her. Then life dragged her to Denver. She hadn’t seen either of the men since.
Hearing noises in the barn, Emily hopped off her horse and tied the strong brown filly up to a rail behind the house by a watering trough. No one could see the horse from the road. She found a bucket of feed and set it where the horse could reach it. She patted the animal’s neck then watched it drink and settle in.
“Good job,” she whispered.
The animal shook its head and drank deeply. More sounds came from the barn and Emily’s curiosity got the best of her.
Quietly, she pulled the door open and walked in. The huge barn had hay and stalls for the horses. Her eyes adjusted to the reduced sunlight and in the last stall she saw movement. Good manners said she should announce her presence, but she couldn’t resist seeing the men at work. Maybe they were bare-chested with pitchforks in hand? After so much propriety in Denver, she needed a dose of functional reality that a small town gave. Propriety was good but not always practical.
As she peeked into the stall, she saw more than men working with hay. They were nearly naked and pulling the last bits of each other’s clothes off. The shock set in and she gaped at them. Their bodies were so perfect and so close. What were they doing? She jumped when a gust of wind blew through the barn, whistling through the cracks.
The scathing sermons on unnatural acts and how war had twisted some men to lie with each other as they did with their wives haunted her. The reverend’s words about how lust could taunt a man and that it had to be purged, flashed in her mind. She took a step back. It didn’t look evil or dangerous. They remained the same two men she’d come to admire and care for a great deal. 
Still, she couldn’t look away as the smell of warm hay and the sounds of hoof stomps faded into the background. The men drew her in. They were good people. Jack had brown hair and eyes, a tanned hard body and muscles from days of physical work. His cock jutted out and she stared at it for a long moment. Her body tingled as though her instincts might take over to please him.
Then Henry’s clothes hit the hay. He had lighter brown hair, green eyes and even more muscles than Jack. He didn’t have a head for figures or business, other than negotiating, but he was fun. He preferred to do the work, and it showed. 
His member was pointing up as well. Henry pushed Jack into the hay and knelt. Emily ached to join them, but two men? Together? There were names for that. Bad names and negative comments she’d heard from people. 
Most of those same people also said bad things about the Indians and the liberated slaves. 
When Henry kissed Jack full on the mouth, Emily gasped. They were so beautiful and tempting. There was no logic to it. Both men could find wives or prostitutes willing to give away their bodies. Unlike her mind, her body wasn’t confused at all. She sighed and a bit of a moan slipped out.

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Release: Runaway Cowgirl (MMF Historical Western/Cowboy)

Blurb: Emily isn’t about to marry just any man, but falling in love with two hot ranchers might be more than this respectable young lady can handle.

Emily St. Claire is wealthy, beautiful, young and very eligible to the single men of Manitou Springs, Colorado. The Wild West isn’t safe for a woman alone, but she isn’t about to marry for anything but love. Her charitable efforts put her in touch with all manner of people, and while she’s respectable, she causes gossip around the small town as she tries to help prostitutes and orphans. Still, she does want a family of her own.

Two handsome young men catch Emily’s eye, but Jack and Henry are so close. How can she pick one of them without destroying their friendship and their partnership? When she finds them in a compromising position, she’s shocked and intrigued. Emily never considered herself conventional, but the men open her eyes even more to how inclusive and varied love can be. Society would never approve, yet it doesn’t feel wrong for the trio. Being courted by two men at once is wild, but committing herself to them is pure madness and pure ecstasy as well. They must keep their ménage secret until they’re sure how to plan a future together so no one will suspect or discover the truth. 1878 isn’t ready for what they have to offer.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of MM content and anal sex.

Hopefully soon at Amazon and Nook...